if you follow me on instagram or twitter, or have stopped by this space in the past few days, then you probably know that i started the whole30 cleanse this weekend. let me take a quick second to apologize for the food and workout pics that might be dominating those feeds over the next thirty days. sorry, but there's motivation and accountability in putting your goals out there, and i'm determined to do this thing. (but i'll still like your pictures of yummy-looking donuts and desserts and bread)
i started a really bad habit of not working out towards the last few months of 2014, which was a total bummer after i had achieved some major running milestones back in the spring. and like any habit, the further i got from making the good choice, the easier it was to make the bad one. the same went for food. i was busy, and so i'd grab not-so-healthy food on the go when i was out running around. i convinced myself that "it's not going to hurt just once", but let's be real: we all know that's a lie.
i'm also not blessed with skinny genes. most of the members on both sides of my family have struggled here and there with weight issues, and i've watched a lot of the adults in my life go on diet after diet. so when 2015 hit, and i felt kind of terrible about my body all the time. i was feeling lazy, bloated, and just plain bleh, and i knew i needed to buckle down and change a few things, because genetics weren't going to be my friend. plus, i have that new sparkly thing on my finger and call it cliche, but who doesn't want to look amazing in their wedding dress?
the easy choice would probably be to go vegan. my parents largely stick to a vegan diet, with the exception of fish, and i've done it before. but here's the thing: i like meat. i don't eat meat terribly often, but i like to have a burger from time to time and not feel guilty about it. so i started looking for other options, and that's where whole30 comes in. i have seen so many blogger friends go through whole30 and have heard time and again that it is life-changing.
here are the details:
+ 30 days, no excuses, no cheating.
+ yes foods: meat, seafood, lots of veggies, some fruit, and lots of good fats from nuts and seeds
+ what not to eat: dairy, added sugar (including sugar substitutes), grains (including corn!), and legumes (including soy)
+ kick the scale to the side for 30 days...whole30 is about really listening to your body and how you feel and not to what the scale is telling you.
it's a commitment, that's for sure. i was at the grocery store yesterday and read ingredient label after ingredient label, and the word "corn" shows up on practically everything. but honestly, i feel better already, i already feel less bloated, and just knowing that i'm putting good, whole foods into my body makes me motivated to keep going. i'm sure there will be tough moments (there already have been!), but i was so inspired by something i read on the whole30 website as i was researching, and it's becoming my mantra for this month: you can do anything for thirty days.
so here's to the whole30! 3 days down, 27 to go.
have you done whole30? got any tips or tricks for me, or just some encouragement?
have you decided to eat healthier this year?
I was wondering what Whole30 was since I was hearing you talk about it on social media. Thanks for explaining it! That sounds like a really good challenge to take on. I need to figure out a way to cut my sugar addiction. Maybe I should try this!
ReplyDeleteI tried whole30 a few years back! It was rough, because I never realized how much I need little indulgences like a little dairy in my coffee. If you can do it, keep it up! I'm looking forward to seeing "before/after" pictures :)
I did whole30 in the fall and never felt better! I still try to eat mostly whole30 all the time but now I allow a few things here and there. I blogged about my journey too - if you want to check it out for recipe ideas and how I felt. The timeline they have on their website is pretty accurate of your mindset through the journey!
ReplyDeleteSo proud of you!! You are incredible! Also, I didn't know you could have corn... wah wah. my husband will never do this without his beloved tortilla chips.
ReplyDeleteYay! I am so proud of you! I responded to your email hope it helps!
ReplyDeleteThat is incredible! I think you look amazing no matter what! This is so inspiring, though, and I think I am going to challenge my husband to do this with me. :)
ReplyDeleteRecently stumbled across your site, and glad I did. :) PS - I did the Whole30 thing before the holidays.. you got this! My 2 cents of advice are to 1) be patient, and 2) don't think past the current day. It'll seem overwhelming and annoying and disinteresting, haha (well it did for me). I hope you post your progress and thoughts. You'll do great! and you'll feel 10x better afterwards.
// heartnatured.com
Thanks for the info and the simple break down. I have been wanting to try this!
ReplyDeleteYou've got this!! If you are a big coffee with cream person, try coconut cream, and if you are a bread pasta girl (holla) zoodles are life changers! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteThank you for breaking it down this way! I've been wanting to try Whole30, but it has always seemed super intimidating to me. You make it not seem so scary! :)
ReplyDeleteMy boyfriend and I both want to try a new meal plan like this, but we're concerned about how it might affect our budget. What was your grocery shopping total like after buying foods specifically for Whole30? It looks like a great program! :)
ReplyDeleteThat's a valid concern! The people behind Whole30 basically just ask you to commit to buying whole foods and not worrying about if they're organic, grass-fed, cage free, etc. While that stuff is preferable, it's definitely more expensive. I spent $11 at the grocery store today on a dozen cage-free brown eggs, a pound of 93% lean grass-fed beef, and a bag of baby carrots, which will probably cover like 3 breakfasts and a small egg salad for a lunch. But, I also am probably not the best judge of budget because I ate out a LOT before I started Whole30, and that gets expensive! I have friends who have been Paleo (very similar to Whole30) for over a year now, and they did say that their grocery bill went up about $25 each time they shop for two people, but they also do Crossfit and so they eat a lot. I have another friend who did Whole30 and said it didn't really affect their budget. I think it all depends on how much you eat and what you're eating! Obviously, if you pack your diet with eggs, that's going to be cheaper than meat, but if you're buying a lot of packaged, frozen, or processed foods right now, you won't be buying them on Whole30, so it balances itself out in some ways!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! If you're really thinking about doing it, head over to the Whole30 website and read the "tough love" section...it's SO encouraging and really makes you feel like you can do it!
ReplyDeleteThanks girl! I am a big coffee girl, but I put some almond milk in it on Monday and was good to go! :) I've never heard of zoodles, but I will check them out!
ReplyDeleteHey!! So glad you stopped by! And thanks for the advice :) I appreciate it! I'm feeling good so far, but definitely still have those sugar & carb cravings! I'll definitely try to post about my progress from time to time!
ReplyDeleteAwe, thanks Gennie! You should! I'd love to hear about it if you guys do it!
ReplyDeleteAwe, thanks Laura! Too sweet :) I did get your email...thanks for that encouragement! I am loving hearing from those who have gone before :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Meg! I know...I didn't realize the corn thing until I was looking at tortilla chips at the grocery store yesterday! (but how am i supposed to eat guacamole?!) and then I picked up a salad at Chipotle today, and so wanted that corn salsa! haha...but yeah, I think it's gonna be worth it! It's only 30 days!
ReplyDeleteYay! I love hearing that! It is so encouraging. I need to stop by your blog and check out your progress!
ReplyDeleteWow, thanks for the thoughtful answer, I really appreciate it! I can understand that it might be a bit more expensive, it just depends. We buy a lot of whole, natural foods now, but still buy a few pre-packaged things (like Hamburger Helper for my lazy man). I think Whole30 is something for us to look into, so thanks! :)
ReplyDeletei'm feeling good so far Kelsey! My "before" pictures are definitely not showing up here (mostly because they're in just a sports bra and running leggings! haha) but I will definitely recap my progress at the end of it all!
ReplyDeleteAmen girl! Me too! I have such a sweet tooth and knew that sugar was just bloating me up...I'm still definitely satisfying that sweet tooth with fruit, which they don't recommend (you're allowed to eat fruit, but they want you to incorporate it into meals and not use it as a dessert), but hopefully by day 30, I'll have quit that addiction!
ReplyDeleteYou're so welcome! I hope you have a great experience if you guys try it!
ReplyDeleteAwesome challenge Betsy! I'm just finishing up the Daniel Fast and it's been such a great experience. I can totally feel the results physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I'm excited to hear how it goes for you!
ReplyDeleteI've done two Daniel Fasts! They are so good for all of the things you just mentioned! they really help you focus on God!
ReplyDeleteI've felt the same way this year. I used to be so good at running and was the perfect weight (in my mind). Then, I got pregnant. I didn't gain a lot of weight...just the recommended amount. After I got the ok post-partum to work out again, I did, but I had to bring my baby with me...it was hard to get going again since it took a lot out of my body...but I kept going, until it got cold. Then, I didn't want to take my young baby boy out into the cold, even if I did bundle him up....
ReplyDeleteYeah, I realized that AJ and I got into a bad pattern...I'd be good and go to the gym when he was away but then when he came home or I visited him, we'd both be bad and justify it because it felt like a vacation, or celebration since we were together! But we both are working on being better (he's doing paleo), and we are committed to eating well when we're married!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome! Cheering you on as you count down the next 27 days!
ReplyDeleteHaha understandable! Keep it up! :)