for those of you who may be newer to heavens to betsy, let me give you a little background about me. i went to college and ended up with a b.a. in psychology, which is basically a degree that you follow up by saying "and then i went to grad school for..."
so, then i went to grad school for education. i graduated with my m.ed in multicultural education and my certification is in pre-k through 6th grade. i student taught in 3rd grade, and it was my sweet spot. i didn't end up with a teaching job right out of grad school and instead landed in a creative position at my rather large church, which i absolutely love. but this summer, i was approached by the directors of our preschool and asked to take over a class. they had a teacher resign at the last minute, and so, two weeks before school started, i found myself agreeing to take on a class of 13 3-year-olds.
it was only two days a week, how hard could it be? well, i'm finding out. and here are a few lessons i'm learning along the way:
we like to use gluesticks as if they were crayons. i learned quickly that 3 year olds just don't know what to do with glue. it's the most fascinating thing to them, and they will attempt to smear it anywhere given the opportunity.
walking in a straight line is an impossible task. even when holding onto a rope, it is very difficult to keep small children walking at the same pace and staying behind the person in front of them. for the most part, the rope helps. but then it also causes insane jumbles when the child in the back of the line uses it as a sort of corral when she tries to get to the front of the line, ensnaring the rest of the class along the way.
dressing up weather frog is the coolest thing ever. seriously, everybody wants to do it. best part of the day.
make sure you thank the right person when praying for the snack. because if you thank jesus for providing the food, you might just get corrected (mid prayer) by the child who brought in the snack that day.
mommy is coming back. i promise. the concept of time is a difficult one for a three year old to understand. it doesn't matter how many times you say the word "soon" or "an hour", they will continually cry and ask when it's time to go home.
ice cream is a healthy food. well, anything you suggest is a healthy food, as preschoolers mostly just answer "yes" whenever their teacher asks them a question. oy vey.
the list goes on, but i think i'll save them for another day. let's just say that i've blown enough slobbery noses and soaked up enough toddler tears with my shoulder in the past four weeks to last a life time. mommas of three-year-olds out there, i have a new appreciation for you!
mommy is coming back. i promise. the concept of time is a difficult one for a three year old to understand. it doesn't matter how many times you say the word "soon" or "an hour", they will continually cry and ask when it's time to go home.
ice cream is a healthy food. well, anything you suggest is a healthy food, as preschoolers mostly just answer "yes" whenever their teacher asks them a question. oy vey.
the list goes on, but i think i'll save them for another day. let's just say that i've blown enough slobbery noses and soaked up enough toddler tears with my shoulder in the past four weeks to last a life time. mommas of three-year-olds out there, i have a new appreciation for you!