i can't believe that we've passed the halfway point in september already. i feel like a week ago, it was summer, and now here we are, barreling towards the soft amber glow of october.
its been a while since i've written one of these girl talk posts. my heart has been longing to write one, to pour out some snippet of truth or encouragement. this series originally started in hopes of creating community and conversation, and in the year or so since i launched it, it has become one of my favorite series to write. but its also become a neglected one, because, well, these posts aren't always easy.
i'm the kind of person that loves to be busy. i'd rather have a to-do list a mile long than one that's totally empty. but there is a fine line between being busy, and being overwhelmed.
and lately, i've just felt overwhelmed.
between beginning my first year as a preschool teacher and saying goodbye to my boyfriend as he headed off to boston for his last year of college, and chaperoning a youth group retreat and then visiting that boyfriend in boston and juggling responsibilities for my part-time job at church, its felt like a little bit more than i'd like to handle.
things have been neglected, like my attempted recommitment to exercise and that new devotional plan that i'm working on. even this blog has been an afterthought.
maybe you feel that same pull....that you're teetering just on the edge of keeping it all together while still finding time to curl your hair in the morning and of completely free-falling.
this sort of thing hits me once in a while, and i'm noticing that it's often associated with fall. while all of the leaves are starting to die and make their way downward, i feel almost a sense of renewal. its the kind of renewal that only a tidal wave of business can bring...the kind that washes you of that carefree summer glow and brings you back to shore, ready to face the new school year, even if you're not a student.
i sometimes wonder if my life will ever not feel dictated by the school calendar (probably not, since i'm a teacher...), or if the fall will ever cease to bring this renewal. because though its hard and almost suffocating at times, i feel like i need it. its like this free-fall...and in the midst of it, i'm tugging at my parachute strings but its just. not. opening. and then, all of a sudden, it does, and i glide into the best part of this season...the part filled with bonfires and crisp breezes and scarves and boots...the part that i love. but not until that initial jump out of the plane called summer.
and once my feet hit the ground, in this new season, there is so much opportunity if i just open my eyes to it. fall is a wake-up call. its a time of inspiration and of growth. a time to reflect and a time to act.
one of my favorite verses right now is isaiah 43:19. it reads: "see, i am doing a new thing! now it springs up; do you not perceive it? i am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."
i love that verse because it's a reminder that god is always doing something. even in the midst of the business, the to-do lists, and the juggling of life. even at a time of year when things outside are ending their season of beauty, he is at work in us. he is doing a new thing. we just need to perceive it.
new to the girl talk series? here are a few posts you might want to check out!
Betsy, I just went through something similar a few weeks back! But, it's so comforting to know that even though we aren't keeping our focus on Him, He is always keeping His focus on us. And, that He is working behind the curtains while we are freaking out on stage! I love that verse, so much!
ReplyDeleteI've been feeling the same way lately--I'm a first time mom with a 2 month old, I have a part-time job teaching Jr. High English, and my husband is still searching for a job. Thankfully, we've been very faithful with family and personal scripture study and prayers and we feel that has helped tremendously.
ReplyDeleteI know the feeling...especially with the transatlantic move, moving in with my parents, and trying to carve out a 'new' life on this side of the Atlantic as an adult. It takes a little while for that sense of awakening to arise but it always does! That's a beautiful verse - thank you for sharing, it fits the feeling completely :)
ReplyDeleteI am new to this series and I think it's a great idea. I think it's so important to be real. I used to teach and now I stay home with my kids. I always get overwhelmed at the beginning of the school year. For me, the house gets empty and I feel like I'm not doing enough. I go through a time of feeling overwhelmed with too much quiet time. Like you, I need lists. Yes...bring on falling leaves, boots, sweaters, and comfort food! :)
ReplyDeleteSince starting the school year, I've been extremely overwhelmed. it hits me every year at this time, but this year has been different. It feels heavier, I think because I need to start preparing to have a sub in my class when I go on maternity leave. However, I've also experienced greater peace. HIS mercies are new every morning, and for that I'm so grateful!
ReplyDeleteYou sound like me two years ago. I was juggling being a first - year teacher, a long distance relationship, and trying to connect with people and Christ. Since then my world has changed dramatically and honestly letting go and trusting God has been the best thing to ever happen to me. Keep your faith because as the season is changing he is working on you too!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for opening up and sharing this with us! i like this girl talk series. I think i've been overwhelmed by the exact opposite - by what I can't do. But, I am determined to maintain hope and be a light for Christ no matter where he has me.
ReplyDelete:) Thank you so much for this beautiful post, serving as a perfect reminder that yes, God is always doing something, and it's always good.
ReplyDeleteI do the exact same thing. So many things to do and I just keep adding to the list, mainly because when I'm not busy I feel very unproductive. But I can feel myself moving closer to a brick wall right now, and I'm realizing I need to slow down again. Thanks for the reminder!