Hey friends! I'm taking a break from all of these awesome guest posts (thanks SOOO much to these girls!) and dropping in with this month's Guys Behind the Blog! I'm so excited to be marrying AJ tomorrow. (Holy. Cow.), and so in the spirit of celebrating wedding week, Laura and I decided to theme this month's questions around love! So grab your guy and join us this week for our fun little link-up!

1. How did you meet your significant other?
We met working at our church! We worked in the youth department and we were a great team.. So we figured that that would translate well into a relationship. It was all business and I was very cool/smooth the whole time it was all developing... of course
2. What is your top love language? What is your significant other's love language?
I don’t even really remember. But since it IS wedding week for us, I will say that it was Betsy. #BrowniePoints
3. If you're engaged or married, how did you propose? If you are not, how did you ask your girl out?
My love languages are Quality time and Physical touch, and Betsy’s are Quality time and Acts of Service.
4. Share a funny wedding story with us - it could be from your own or one you attended.
This was not funny at the time, and is still not funny to me... But we went to the wedding of a few church friends a while back and during the bouquet toss, Betsy of course was in the right place at the right time and caught the flying flowers. Being extroverted as she is, of course, when they had called for the ladies to come up for the toss she went up without much hassle. After she caught the bouquet and the newly married couple were preparing for that weird garter thing that people do, I was putting up a fight and very adamant that I wouldn’t play along. Right as they were about to start, I thought I was home free still sitting at our table when all of a sudden Betsy’s uncle yelled out in front of like 200 people calling me out and making me the center of attention... which I hate. OF COURSE I ended up with the garter, after everyone else in the group of guys dodged it.. Worst Wedding Experience EVER.
(Can you tell he's an introvert?)
5. On the topic of love, who was your childhood crush?
I hired a team of people (aka family) to help convert our church’s worship center after the last Christmas eve service. It was all decked out and pretty and stuff and we added tons of candles down the aisle to make it super nice and fire hazardy. We had my aunt, who is Betsy’s boss, send her off on some mindless task far away from that room so that she didn’t stumble in... and I played some pretty music through the speakers. Then we called her down into the worship center, she didn’t realize what was happening at first, and then immediately started crying haha. It was a lot of fun to plan and I had a lot of great people and family members convert the room as fast as possible ... all so I could stumble over my words and only pray that Betsy understood the words coming out of my mouth.
We want to hear from you! What are you dying to know about the guys behind the blogs? What is a funny question you want us to ask your guy? What is your favorite ice breaker question? September's questions for The Guys Behind the Blog will be completely reader submitted so get your thinking caps on and ask away. Please submit your questions using the form below or here.We will choose our favorites and announce the top five questions on Monday, September 14th if you'd like to link-up with us on Thursday, September 24th.
September Link-Up Questions (the link-up goes live on Thursday, September 24th!)
1 // What's the silliest thing you and your significan
2 // If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 must haves would you bring with you?
3 // Talents aside, what is your dream job?
4 // What are three things on your bucket list?
5 // What kind of date is your favorite to go on with your significan
I hope you'll join in on the fun! Grab the questions for this month and interview your guy, then link up with us below!
An InLinkz Link-up
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