i'm so excited for another guys behind the blog link-up! i can't believe that twenty-eight of you joined in with me on this crazy little idea for a post last month. you're awesome! it was so much fun to read all of your posts and hear from your guys that i just had to do another one this month! so grab your guy and force him bribe him give him the honor of taking over your blog for the day again!
this has been a fun way for aj to contribute to my blog once in a while, especially since we're long distance. if you're a newer reader and don't know much about aj, here's our story in three sentences: aj is finishing his degree in music production and engineering at berklee college of music in boston. we've been long-distance since he transferred there in the fall of 2013 and we've been dating since valentine's day 2012. on christmas eve, he popped the question, and we're getting married in august! (you can read our whole love story here)

1 // if you could write a book, what topic would you write about and why?
well i guess it would have to be about something i know really well.. so maybe something like a history of the recording industry?? … sounds boring to most people so i probably wouldn’t make much off of it but it’s also a rather short history so i wouldn’t have to work toooooo hard. haha
2 // what is one thing on your bucket list, or one thing that you'd like to do or accomplish in your lifetime?
i think i have two answers… firstly, it would be incredible to produce a grammy winning album or record, which is an obvious answer for anyone going into my field i suppose … it’s like a football player answering “winning the super bowl… second would be seeing the eagles win the super bowl :)
3 // if you could look out your window and only see one view for the rest of your life, what would you want to see?
nothing! i would love to live somewhere like a farm where i’m just surrounded by land and peace and quiet. this is probably because i spent so much of my life driving through lancaster pa and just loving the views that i saw driving every morning. also, i’m nearly positive that this could start a serious conversation with my fiancé about where we both want to end up …
4 // imagine you're opening a shop. what are you selling?
stuff that i bought at target. target is the perfect store and i would not dare even try to compete.
5 // if you could have 50lbs of anything other than money, what would it be?
gold. we don’t use it as currency anymore … so i think i beat the system. also gold is worth $1,203.02 as of my answering this … so thats like …. $818,416. feel free to fact check that.
6 // time to brag on your girl...tell us one thing that makes you proud of your fiancé!
hmmmmmmm…. well there are a lot of things that i am proud of betsy for, and i like to think that i do a good job at telling her that. but If i had to pick one thing right now it would be her creativity. she’s incredibly good at taking fun little things like hand lettering, or making scarves, or even blogging to a new level. she can turn anything she enjoys into something fruitful that other people can enjoy. i envy that ability, but more than that i am so proud when i look at the kind of community her creative outlets can turn into!
ok, that last one made me tear up a little bit! he's so sweet, and i could brag on him for a long time. he's much more talented than he gives himself credit for. keep an eye out for his name at the grammys in a few years...we'll be there! the eagles winning the super bowl might be a different story however...
and if you want to get a head start on march's questions, here they are!
1 // do you have a good luck charm or ritual? (like a lucky coin, or you always used to listen to a certain pump-up song when you played sports in high school or college?)
2 // what is your favorite dish that your wife/fiance/girlfriend makes for you? do you have any fun memories of a time when she tried to cook and it totally flopped or does she get it right every time?
3 // what did you want to be when you were growing up?
4 // which of the five senses is your strongest?
5 // would you ever run for president?
and if you want to get a head start on march's questions, here they are!
1 // do you have a good luck charm or ritual? (like a lucky coin, or you always used to listen to a certain pump-up song when you played sports in high school or college?)
2 // what is your favorite dish that your wife/fiance/girlfriend makes for you? do you have any fun memories of a time when she tried to cook and it totally flopped or does she get it right every time?
3 // what did you want to be when you were growing up?
4 // which of the five senses is your strongest?
5 // would you ever run for president?
Aww he sounds like a total sweetheart! And also someone that my husband would really get along with. My husband has a deep love for music too.
ReplyDeleteHahaha I love how he said you can't top Target, so true! His answer about you was so sweet! :)
ReplyDeleteGold! Hahaha he sounds so smart! I am loving this series. Next month I need to convince Andrew to do it with me.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great link up! My boyfriend writes posts for my blog from time to time! I think it's fun to get to hear from the boyfriends/husbands of bloggers! He'd totally get along with my boyfriend, who loves music as well! Our spare bedroom is jammed with instruments that he plays!
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome! I love when AJ takes over the blog, and love when I can connect with other girls who have guys who are into music! :)
ReplyDeleteHaha he is smart (though he'd never admit that...he did terribly in high school because he only cares about the things he likes, like music). You and Andrew totally need to do it! I think I might try to get AJ to do a vlog for next month with me!
ReplyDeleteIt's so true...Target is the best! One of our favorite things to do is to just go and walk around at Target. :) He is very sweet!
ReplyDeleteHe is such a sweetheart (though he'd never admit it...haha) Love that your husband loves music too!
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting this link up Betsy! It was so fun. I am looking forward to next month!
ReplyDeletelove aj answers! excited for my first link-up with guys behind the blog- it's such a great idea! my husband said gold for #5 right away and then switched it to bourbon- haha. love target and his answers! thank you for hosting!
ReplyDeletehaha the target answer!!!
ReplyDeletealso, betsy I'm curious about what you decided with the blog name...are you going to make a switch once you get married?!
I think I am! I'll still own betsygettis.com (I think I have the domain purchased for like 3 years), so I'll just have it redirect. I don't feel like I'm nearly any where near being a "big" blogger, so I don't see it being an issue in terms of losing people or having established a brand. I actually took an Influence Net class with Whitney English about branding and asked for her advice and she said that English is actually her maiden name and she kept using it professionally because her married name is harder to say, but her husband actually gets referred to as "Mr. English" when they're at conferences or hotels and stuff. And I just didn't like that idea. I don't think AJ would care, but I want him to feel empowered to be the leader in our marriage and I'm not sure that I'd ever want him referred to as "Mr. Gettis"...that's my dad! haha
ReplyDeleteAwe thanks! And that story is hilarious! hahaha I can't believe that's monogrammed onto all of your guest towels! Eek! My best friend had a maiden name that everyone mispronounced to sound inappropriate and then she married a guy who also had the same problem with his last name! (She went from "Bohner" to "Koch") haha
ReplyDeleteYay! So glad you're joining in! :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad you joined in! Can't wait to read your post! :)
ReplyDeletehahaha well he failed to mention that we have definitely talked about that before...but yes, he is sneaky! Haha
ReplyDeleteAnd we are Target's biggest fans :)
I absolutely love that he realizes that Target is the perfect store.....keeper, definitely. Thanks so much for having this linkup, Betsy!
ReplyDeleteThis is so cute!!! I love the part when he brags on you. :) And Target... yes!!!
ReplyDeleteHa, my husband answered gold too, but then he switched it to palladium. Our men are so nerdy, in their own ways.
ReplyDeleteAHHH!!!!!!! Well I can't really complain after that story. But I'm sure that those names have really sanctified them in the end...
ReplyDeleteHaha so many guys said gold! So funny...they are definitely nerdy in their own ways! (which makes them adorable!)
ReplyDeleteHe is too sweet...and who doesn't love target?! haha
ReplyDeleteYes! Definitely...we often just go and walk around Target, and it's been super fun now that we can register for stuff! haha
ReplyDeleteRight?! haha so unfortunate for them. The best part is that on her "list of things she prayed for in a husband" a "nice, normal last name" was one of the top 10! haha...God has a sense of humor :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so funny :) Well there ya go!
ReplyDeleteHahaha! I love your husband's answer for gold! Also, I know I say this a lot, but every single time Lancaster is mentioned by you, your husband, or other members of the Peony Project, he gets homesick!
ReplyDeleteThis is so sweet!! I'm linking up later this week.....hopefully our men both end up at the Grammy's someday....read my post and see why! :)
ReplyDeleteI finally got hubby to sit down and answer the questions! Better late than never right? I love how almost everyone's guys are saying things like gold, palladium, diamonds, etc. Mine? He wants 50 lbs of pomegranates! (Gotta feed that sweet tooth I guess? He cracks me up!) Thanks for hosting a fun link up!
ReplyDeleteI just entered my link! Hope I'm not too late, joining a February link up in March. Haha
ReplyDeleteLove, Dara
aww!! So sweet! :) I love that he actually answered these seriously, unlike Christian who was CRAZY for most of the interview. (The craziest part is that he was serious on about 80% of it haha) I love AJ's decision to sell stuff from Target. I'd buy! ;)